1.After the encirclement of the German 9th Flak Division at Stalingrad it was the only Axis AA defence unit in the area.
2.Surrounded and outnumbered, with casualties mounting, Azuma led seventy men in a last ditch attempt to break the enemy encirclement.
3.Then, after gradually breaking through the tight encirclement, it came into full view and even dyed the dark clouds purple and scarlet.
4.He and his lawyer walked out of the court, dashing out of the tight encirclement of reporters and flash light, then ducked into the car.
5.The soldiers fought their way out of the enemy's encirclement.
6.The Egyptian upset is heightening a sense of encirclement that has not been felt so acutely by Israelis in decades.
7.In 1935, after complete encirclement by the Nationalist forces, the Communists broke through and began the Long March to Yan'an.
8.Nato's eastwards expansion is seen not as young democracies' desire to join a protective alliance, but as "encirclement" of Russia.
9.Lanzhou, the only way television news in practice tight encirclement, in the course of reform to survive.
10.The American opening to China was also a Chinese opening to America, actuated above all by Mao Zedong's fear of encirclement.