1.TWB: With Location become a mainstream proposition where do you think location fits in as an enabler or feature of every future service?
2.We look at it as an incredibly important enabler to run our restaurants more efficiently.
3.It is a key enabler to moving people through the various stages of any process requiring awareness, understanding, commitment and adoption.
4.In late 2008, the UMTS Forum Chairman described LTE as 'not just a new standard, but the enabler for a new global mobile ecosystem'.
5.And Mr Cameron has shown that his commitment to recasting the state as an enabler and a regulator rather than a monopoly provider is flimsy.
6.It really just depends on your personality, and whether you're using reading as an excuse instead of an enabler.
7.As software development moved more toward an engineer discipline, asset based engineering will be a key enabler of this transition.
8.clearly , consolidated market data vendors were a primary enabler for the growth in the financial markets and global economy.
9.He will remain editor-in-chief, which he says will be more than a titular role, but plans to be an "enabler" rather than an overlord.
10.Libraries should strive to be an enabler and facilitator by mobilizing all its efforts and resources.