1.just beginning to exist or be noticed
1.the present participle of emerge
1.China, as an emerging nation of still very poor people, can always achieve higher growth rates than an advanced, rich economy like the U. S.
2.Only a strong, but more humble America can pull off the trick of dealing with an emerging superpower and a fast-growing region, he says.
3.Bond markets have been a vital source of finance in the west for some time, and that is now catching on in emerging markets as well.
4.That was the largest pergence between the U. S. and the big emerging markets since the comparisons were first published in 2003.
5.The Beijing visit comes near the end of a tour aimed at rallying support from emerging markets for her candidacy.
6.An emerging scientific consensus seems to be, he says, that "large forces released in a relatively big burst" are probably crucial.
7.But many emerging markets have had a good crisis, or at least a better one than their industrialised peers.
8.We all need to understand emerging markets, as it is in an emerging market crisis that you actually learn what matters.
9.As for next year's trend of exports, not to be grim To open up emerging markets may be ripe to make up for shrinking market impact.
10.Emerging markets used to be known as the markets you couldn't emerge from in an emergency.