1.Since the system works at very low level, it needs to design some EMC experiments to test some sensitive parts of the system.
2.The company, which will release full results on Jan 27, did not issue earnings forecasts for the current year.
3.EMC, the largest maker of storage equipment, recently tried to make up for its lack of breadth through a joint venture with Cisco.
4.After six months of aging and EMC tracking tests, the therapeutic apparatus is proved to be reliable and is now put into application.
5.However, System Flow Method has no method to distinguish the relative important degree which can insure the output ratio maximization.
6.Therefore, the comparison between EMC testing laboratory is considered to be one of the foundation tasks of evaluation system.
7.While an EMC allows you to define new behavior on the fly, a Category allows you to save the behavior off in a separate class file.
8.For Dell, owning 3Par would mean a chance to sell its own storage systems, rather than reselling products from EMC Corp. , he said.
9.Use, copying, and distribution of any EMC software described in this publication requires an applicable software license.
10.The embedded-molecular-cluster (EMC) model is introduced to understand the self-trapping mechanism of excitons in cubic nanophase.