1.the ability to speak forcefully, expressively, and persuasively
2.forceful, expressive, and persuasive language
1.Martin Luther King Jr. quickly took charge of the movement, and with his eloquence and powerful philosophies, he was the ideal leader.
2.His fire, the tumultuous ring of his eloquence, seemed to go out of him.
3.Catherine wished to congratulate him, but knew not what to say, and her eloquence was only in her eyes.
4.Four eloquence, sincere words, give us ordinary people going about the implications of the how much valuable! ! ! ! !
5.Her love was in her heart, not in her mouth, she was willing to sacrifice eloquence FOR truth.
6.You say that the question of how prepared in advance, no eloquent eloquence and thinking how fast possible?
7."Why, " said the duke, "the lady I would wish to marry is nice and coy, and does not much esteem my aged eloquence. "
8.When you want to continue to go on, and the other party issued a "let the voice" of the signal, you can ignore the views of his eloquence.
9.As we heard Mr. Obama speak from his desk with his usual calm clarity and eloquence, it made us wish we heard more from him on many issues.
10.A great deal depends upon the petitioner on the charm of the petitioner, on his ardor, on his eloquence. Myra, look at me.