1.a sensitive device for measuring extremely low voltages by means of the forces of attraction and repulsion between charged bodies on plates or wires
1.The measured current is usually quite small, so a picoammeter or electrometer is often required to make the measurement.
2.To measure the offset of a switch card, connect the output of the card to a pico ammeter or electrometer.
3.Figure 2-39 shows an electrometer connected to a current source that consists of a voltage source in series with a resistor.
4.Refer to the electrometer's manual or specifications for the value of the feedback impedance for a particular instrument.
5.When a charged object is placed within the inside electrode, an induced charge will flow into the electrometer.
6.Quartz has properties similar to sapphire, but considerably higher piezoelectric output, so it's rarely used in electrometer circuits.
7.Connect the HI terminal of the electrometer to one end of the resistor and the HI of the voltage source to the other end.
8.These low current measurements are often made with an electrometer or source-measure unit.
9.The resistors (RL) are current limiting resistors used to protect the switches and electrometer from high current.
10.Since the voltage burden of the electrometer ammeter or picoammeter is less than 1mV, the diodes won't conduct.