1.It's almost as if we're being manipulated by Dom Cobb himself, as he effortlessly travels deep into our brain to plant an idea.
2.She began to notice how the children absorbed knowledge almost effortlessly from their surroundings.
3.Ms. Taylor managed the role of sex object effortlessly as if it too were just part of the job.
4.A woman from Wisconsin wrote to me recently to say that she effortlessly shares intimate feelings with her friends.
5.I remember thinking that he was one of those lucky few for whom everything goes effortlessly right.
6.He did all this so naturally and so effortlessly as if he were scribbling a note or memo.
7.In some families, new adults and kids seem to slip in effortlessly, as though they have been there all along.
8.Steig's drawings seem to flow effortlessly from his mind to his pen and onto the paper.
9.he did not kick his feet. Instead, the water streamed past him, like wind streaming past a man falling effortlessly through the air.
10.At times it seems as if the only women effortlessly balancing their jobs, kids, husbands and homes are the ones on TV.