1.When you're ready to make it public and editable by logged-in users, expand Site Tools and click Manage Access.
2.But the main section of the user-interface is going to be taken up by the FFMPEG options we'll choose to make user editable.
3.The set of editable values can be presented in a Web page using whatever controls and labels that are suitable for the business environment.
4.Will result in the current mask character position to be cleared and the current position to be advanced to the next editable character .
5.Whether a region is editable is controlled by the content placeholders that are specified on the master page on which a page is based.
6.At this point, any editable fields in the code snippet are highlighted in yellow, and the first editable field is selected automatically.
7.Property represents the total number of characters in the mask, including both the literal and editable characters.
8.Introduces the general concepts of the TextBox control, which allows editable, multiline input from the user.
9.The navigational buttons on each wizard shape are designed to meet the needs of that wizard page, so they aren't editable.
10.Description is now in a editable text field, steward name is in a menu select control, and there are buttons labeled Ok and Cancel.