1.The derivative of ecology
2.a scientist who studies the environment and the way that plants, animals, and humans live together and affect each other
3.someone who believes that protecting the environment is important
1.Marine reef ecologist Scott Porter works to remove oil from his hands in the Gulf of Mexico south of Venice, Louisiana.
2.Would a knowledgeable ecologist watching the fencing-off be able to predict which wildlife species would dominate the land a century later?
3.To an ecologist, this looks like an ecosystem whose biopersity has expanded radically.
4.Tierra, in particular, first developed by the ecologist Thomas Ray in the early 1990s, drew a great deal of attention.
5.Another scientist who has extended his stay away from his institute is Zeng Fuping, an agricultural ecologist.
6."Reasons" in the United States of contemporary social ecologist James O'Connor ecology study of Marxist academic works.
7.Ecologist Dan Botkin speaks of forests "marching slowly across the landscape to the beat of the changing climate. "
8.But Dan Bebber, an ecologist at the environmental group Earthwatch Institute, said the study relies on improper statistical methods.
9.Ironically, Aldo Leopold, the greatest American ecologist, argued fiercely against letting wildfire burn in wilderness.
10.MICHAEL A. MALLIN is an aquatic ecologist who has extensively studied pollution in freshwater, estuarine and coastal marine systems.