1.boring and unpleasant work that you have to do
1.Too bad the only thing Monday stands for in most people' s minds is the beginning of a week full of toil and drudgery.
2.Mr Smedley, with the drudgery of the office a thing of the past, exulted in the sense of freedom that came from his longed-for release.
3.They make it a point to stay in touch, even in the verge of being exhausted due to the drudgery of everyday life.
4.I don't work on the weekends because I feel I need to reward myself for a week's worth of drudgery. I have to say. . . "it just works. "
5.I don't want to spend one third of my life living out of a sense of drudgery.
6.It is all a far cry from piecing together clues in a country house, or the drudgery of real-life detective work.
7.It has also substantially reduced both our own drudgery and our dependence on that of others.
8.For laborers at the bottom of the pay scale, such as these South Asian men taking a water taxi to work, life in Dubai can be drudgery.
9.Marriage counsellor Terry Real said he believes some users go on Facebook to create a fantasy life and escape the drudgery.
10.Ronaldinho, never a dedicated trainer, lost interest entirely in that drudgery and is likely to be at one of the Milan clubs next season.