1.The company is still the leading driller in the Gulf, and operates more leases there than any other company.
2.The Senior Driller must ensure that the correct bit, dressed with appropriate size jets, is ready to be picked up.
3.Observed damage on or to any equipment will be recorded in the tour book and reported to the Driller and the Toolpusher.
4.Photo 1 - Going to the front of the tunnel and discuss with the driller to provide enough ground support to the exposed rock face.
5.The driller is to trip off bottom and out of the hole at a speed that will not cause swabbing.
6."If I were going to buy any energy stock now I'd rather buy a producer or a driller, " he said.
7.He worked in the merchant navy, as an oil driller in India, a cow herder in Israel and a doctor of Chinese medicine in Thailand.
8.When scientists artificially increased calmodulin in chicken embryos, the chicks began growing extended beaks, just like a cactus driller.
9.The driller checks the end of the new drilling line for damage, and cut off any defective section by using of a hydraulic line cutter.
10.Clean and examine the threads and shoulders on box and pin ends, and inform the Driller of any damage.