1.to a very great and usually very worrying degree
1.If the cancer spreads to distant sites in the body, like the liver, lungs and brains, the chance of survival becomes drastically worse.
2.Therefore, the rim states have been drastically contending to seek sovereignty or seizing actual masterdom over this place in recent years.
3.Video chat on Yahoo Messenger could bring this capability to a drastically larger number of users than any of these other services could.
4.Bryant said the team would be "drastically different" without Jackson's steady, cerebral presence on the sideline.
5.Anyway, the rest of the world may not be ready to handle a drastically smaller U. S. trade deficit.
6."The most visible results have been drastically lower attrition rates and a faster rise of alumni in the company, " says Mr Zhang.
7.Deliberately extend it for up to one second and you've drastically upped the chances of him getting the message you're interested.
8.Rare earth minerals have been a thorny trade topic for some time, and China has previously promised not to cut supplies drastically.
9.The ring-fence is important, but that doesn't help the fact that the actual contents of that budget have been drastically downsized.
10.Smith used to work in London, but moving to a village in Somerset drastically improved her life.