1.in a way that grabs the attention and causes an excited, shocked, or startled reaction
2.to a very noticeable degree and often with surprising suddenness
1.With the financial heart shot out of the economy, tax revenues have fallen dramatically just as social spending has increased.
2.If the number of startups increases dramatically, then the people whose job is to judge them are going to have to get better at it.
3."When he was gone my wife said the atmosphere of the office changed dramatically, " Felps said.
4.But Cheng's life changed dramatically after an amateur photographer posted pictures of him walking the streets onto the Chinese internet.
5.Its shape hasn't changed dramatically since the 1970s, but it has evolved in a way that gives it a modern, almost timeless look.
6.No matter how slow progress seems to be, it has the potential to speed up dramatically soon.
7.Her research has led her to identify two distinct mind-sets that dramatically influence how we react to it.
8.This sort of connectivity will expand dramatically as microscopic communications devices become dirt-cheap and multiply.
9.After just a few days, the video dramatically changed the Virginia Senate race as the news media reported on the controversy.
10.In fact, the landscape is dramatically different from that of just a decade ago.