1.It is assumed that the "manager" attribute of every person contains the dn value of her manager.
2.LDAP uses the concept of a distinguished name (DN) to identify the particular nodes in an LDAP tree.
3.The requirement is to universally revoke access for that specific certificate, but not necessarily for the DN associated with it.
4.As you move down the tree of nodes, the DN of each parent nodes is included in the DN of its child nodes.
5.Senator Chuck Schumer (D-N. Y. ), one of the loudest prognosticators of a coming shut down, followed with bravado.
6.A base DN can have its own filter and scope, which might be different from its peer base DNs.
7.It is perfectly valid for two or more certificate authorities to issue certificates with the same DN component.
8.This parameter is used to check the Distinguished Name (DN) of the certificate from the client at the other end of a WebSphere MQ channel.
9.If any of the DN patterns works, the user is said to be bound with the LDAP directory and the authenticator moves on to Step 15.
10.Use of a CRL is still mandatory to handle compromised certificates, but it is of very limited use in removing a DN from the match pool.