2.分离,脱离,(关系的)断绝 (between; of; from)
1.a legal way of ending a marriage
1.to take legal action to end your marriage. If two people agree to stop living together, but do not legally end their marriage, they separate
2.to completely separate one thing from another so that they are not connected in any way
1.Ms. Tao said that by porcing, one of them would be able to purchase a first home and put down less money and get a better interest rate.
2.The upshot of this convergence is a fascinating cultural dissonance: Americans seem to be talking about porce more, while porcing less.
3.It is hard for him to ask for privacy as he did when porcing and remarrying while in office.
4.After porcing her husband for his dalliances, Tie is raped by what seems to be a local handyman, sending her into her own miserable abyss.
5.But as this principle is meant as an aid not a rule, it has also given rise to a degree of worrying uncertainty for porcing couples.
6.My own parents stayed together for many years "for the sake of the children" before finally porcing when I was eleven.
7.He couldn't cope with his wife's eccentricities and therefore he dealt with it by porcing her.
8.What do you think about Peter's reasons for porcing his wife? ---I don't buy them.
9.Before I was laid off, I thought of porcing my wife. But having more time with her and our children at home made me think twice.
10.Others regretted not going to college or not porcing sooner, or choosing money over a life's passion.