1.the process of creating new colors on a computer screen by changing the patterns of the small spots that make up the colors
1.The present participle of dither
1.This professional reservation - and government dithering - means it may be a while before we finally unravel this particular Chinese puzzle.
2.Left to its own devices, Bright Food has so far proven itself a peculiarly artless and dithering would-be acquirer.
3.So what prompted Mr Bush to come out with such a tough response against his erstwhile ally, after six days of dithering?
4.In an attempt to make up for complicity and dithering in Tunisia and Egypt, France has stuck its neck out over Libya.
5.After a year of dithering, he unveiled his own grand plan for reforming health care on the eve of the summit.
6.There has been a decade of dithering and it is now too late to avoid the consequences unless the authorities move like there is no tomorrow.
7.At those meetings the fund's boss was to make clear that the IMF would not go along with more dithering or fudges over Greece's debt mess.
8.But a bigger drop in prices might change lawmakers' minds and hasten an agreement, as it would expose the costs of dithering.
9.Now we live in London and we are always dithering about whether to stay put with our young family, or move out to the countryside.
10.After years of dithering amid mounting public anger at the often prohibitive cost of treatment , the government has a plan .