1.This might also be a sign that the topic generally needs to be revised if you are going to move it to DITA.
2.The DITA content -- now in normalized SGML form -- is inserted with a slight bit of modification into the original output stream.
3.At the time of this writing, the formal DITA book model (known as bookmap) is still under discussion by the OASIS DITA Technical Committee.
4.As hinted at above, we needed to work out a few technical details when pulling DITA into the normalization processing stream.
5.This was tougher than the previous issues -- it was the only one of these details not included in our initial DITA support.
6.The highlight, programming, and UI domains provided with the base DITA release are only the beginning of what can be accomplished.
7.In DITA, the converse approach is possible: A book can be assembled from a set of DITA topics.
8.One of the things that makes processing DITA with standard transforms so useful is that those transforms are easy to override.
9.We solved it by keeping a list of the IDs used for every DITA target, as well as the IDs used for each (temporarily) invalid link.
10.Conditional processing: With DITA, you can tag parts of a topic by product, audience, or other characteristics.