1.Like most big life insurers, Aviva did enter the fray with one distinct advantage. It had already had a practice run.
2.I realized at this point that I had a distinct advantage over a paid consultant.
3.Paul said the fact that he's never served before in elective office is a distinct advantage.
4.Although this is low in absolute terms compared with the sums spent by rivals, Huawei's low-cost base gives it a distinct advantage.
5.Experience working with Heavy industrial plant, particularly Mining equipment, would be a distinct advantage.
6.The transistor gate has a distinct advantage over the diode gate in that the transistor amplifies, as well as acts as a gate.
7.Compared with other mixing devices, the RPB has a distinct advantage in terms of improving micromixing efficiency.
8.It's a distinct advantage around here to keep a cool head when things begin to go wrong. So, calm yourself down and start anew.
9.Both our craft and its occupants can be cloaked with invisibility, and that gives us a distinct advantage when we enter the "lions den" .
10.Bear in mind that you might even buy a home overseas; this would have the distinct advantage that you could live in it.