1.the way in which two people or things are different from each other
1.Is the most popular "blessing" monogram article in New Year ornament, this year's design seems to be and has a dissimilarity formerly.
2.But, dissimilarity and you, I now be just a little girl, I have no resources, my strength too weak, I can't influence situation.
3.BE see to embroider the needle method on the article and she the dissimilarity of peacetime education, just especially idea to ask her.
4.Like an on dissimilarity, I helped you to revise some young places.
5.With many big six method system dissimilarity of is the United States the method have no differentiation every variety company of form.
6.We pass network hair the method which ask for answer and got a great deal of viewpoint of dissimilarity crowd.
7.The dissimilarity between two EEG epochs can be qualified via a simple distance measure between the distributions of order patterns.
8.no doubts of her deserving, no fears of opposition of taste, no need of drawing new hopes of happiness from dissimilarity of temper.
9.The diffusion "strength" is controlled by a function that measures the degree of dissimilarity between the eigenvalues.
10.Only would make the athlete of the dissimilarity nation got together mutually peaceably, let me feel the comity , solidify, power.