1.It is often in the disharmonious encounters between members of our pods that the entire group is moved out of sync with Earth's heartbeat.
2.AM not expecting you to achieve perfect alignment all the time, in particular as you dwell in a disharmonious world.
3.Those personality entities that were disharmonious could only engage with their forms when their forms were in a state of disharmony.
4."Farming, Countryside and Peasantry" is the key cause of a disharmonious society.
5.Additional, old people because sexual life is disharmonious the case that prosecutes a porce also shows ascendant trend.
6.This inconvenience, or disharmonious vibratory complex, has begun several of your years in the past.
7.This paper holds that, disharmonious tutor-student relationship lies in both tutor and student factors, and the quality of association.
8.Cut do not purchase a disharmonious furniture because of temporarily be seized by a whim.
9.You gain a greater ability to recognize limiting, disharmonious, and restricting energies and forms.
10.it is not helping us to uncover the deeper layers of our being, and our lives are increasingly disharmonious and empty.