1.He did not change for the better over those years of discipleship under the greatest teacher and trainer, Jesus. Sad!
2.Working long hours make church ministry and discipleship effort very difficult as meeting times tend to be very late at night.
3.But to follow him in discipleship is equally important.
4.The evidence of the impact of her discipleship is seen in the mourning widows who showed up at her house.
5.Real practical help given to the poor is an integral part of discipleship.
6.Discipleship begins the moment we come to Jesus for help, but it goes on from day to day as we follow Christ.
7.When our spiritual exercises flag, it's important to catch our breath and get back to a steady stride of discipleship. Others are watching.
8.Not all athletic events draw gigantic crowds, but there is one in which an audience is unavoidable. It's the race of Christian discipleship.
9.To be concerned with the principles of morality, servanthood, discipleship and character, and ultimately, to trust.
10."If a man hate not his own life. " And why does Christ make such an exacting demand the condition of discipleship?