1.And growth seems to be stalling, while unemployment remains disastrously high on both sides of the Atlantic.
2."Then it was that I undertook an expedition in connection with that, " and he pointed to the iron chest, "which ended disastrously enough. "
3.At BP the female touch would not have saved the day either, but it might have ensured it was not lost quite so disastrously.
4.It did not expose itself so disastrously to one highly leveraged play on the US mortgage market.
5.But to conclude from this history that California merely needs to wait for the economic tide to turn once again would be disastrously wrong.
6.In 2011, as in 2010, America was in a technical recovery but continued to suffer from disastrously high unemployment.
7.And sometimes they stop to tell her not to worry: God would never allow Earth to warm disastrously, they say.
8.So the end result of the long campaign against government is that we've taken a disastrously wrong turn.
9.The country avoided a property bubble of the kind that burst so disastrously in Spain and Ireland.
10.Their profits began to spiral down disastrously.