‘What's that?’ she asked with her usual directness.
1.From the directness of his words and the tone, I suspected he was trying to shoo me away from his home and his neck of the woods.
2.In addition, in business we admire directness and often use language like a hammer-and treat other opinions as if they were a nail.
3.The language of laws should be simple ; directness is always better than elaborate wording .
4.But the point is that Butler values directness and truth, and throughout The Suburbs, what he lacks in poetry, he makes up for with honesty.
5.He was a man of severely limited understanding but of ruthless directness and great energy.
6.These criteria of directness, clarity and lack of rhetoric were to be amongst the defining qualities of Imagist poetry.
7.I think this directness is what's most important in Belgian art, including Magritte, who was no painter but a great artist nonetheless.
8.With characteristic directness, the Communists moved in to separate Chiang from his protecting followers.
9.Studied inpidually, each has its own characteristic; put together, they form the simplicity and directness of a peasant.
10."There's just one thing to be done about this as far as I can see, " began Lester, with characteristic directness .