1.reduced in amount, size, or importance
2.[Music]describes a musical interval or chord reduced by one semitone
1.the past tense and past participle of verb "diminish"
1.Back in London, there were policy constraints, spending cuts, a diminished world role even under Mrs Thatcher.
2."The appetite for risk over the last couple of years has diminished, so life has become more difficult, " he said.
3.As the Grand Masters fell, they drew upon the flower kingdom's light in an attempt to save themselves and our light diminished as a result.
4.The following fall, we realized that all our growing pains had not diminished what was a very precious connection.
5.Justice Samuel Alito Jr. wrote that the rule diminished "the effectiveness" of the rich candidate's spending and of his speech.
6.It's easy to have terrific meeting diminished in some way by an oversight on a small logistical detail.
7.As for the unionists, they argue that Britain would be diminished on the world stage if Scotland were to go its own way.
8.A great many worries can be diminished by realizing the unimportance of the matter which is causing the anxiety.
9.A year ago, wrangling over the price of gas sold by Russia to Ukraine briefly diminished the flow of gas through Ukraine to Europe.
10.Given transaction costs, any attempt to follow every move of the market will end up with happy brokers but a diminished investment account.