1.On the base of that, this paper gives the direct computational formal for one dimensional distribution of the nonhomogeneous (H, Q)-process.
2.In his alma mater life, I feel teachers selfless devotion to others simply chalk like a lifetime, but I live a three-dimensional life.
3.From the present point of view, modern western concept of linear progress The greatest mistake is to put a one-dimensional thinking.
4.I had forgotten myself, and I had forgotten Ault, at least the real, three-dimensional version in which I, too, was a presence.
5.Model is a three-dimensional works in one of the very important role, not a good model, not likely to complete a pair of good works.
6.Two-and three-dimensional hydrodynamic computer codes have been applied to the study of the early phases of the collapse of a gas cloud.
7.Make full use of binocular stereo vision, three-dimensional paintings, will enable you to see a very exciting world.
8.CT scan is like an X-ray, but it uses multiple images to build up a more detailed, three-dimensional (3-D) picture of your brain.
9.Whenever I listen to this Attunement, I feel as if I am opening myself to the enlivening qualities of inter dimensional light.
10.This document shows a technique in which two dimensional sources can be compared to one another using a union and conditional formatting.