1.As the popularity of digital, using digitally to produce a version of time pad printing resin will not wait too long.
2.He said that the company was digitally remastering the entire Beatles catalog, which would pave the way for selling the songs online.
3.They took a photo of a woman's eyes and digitally altered it to change the eyebrow or lid shape or add wrinkles.
4.Fashion magazines could be made lush in a way that would be hard to match digitally, at least for a while.
5.In his study, a group of volunteers were shown various pictures of a woman, where her hips, bust, and waist were digitally altered.
6.The actress attracted controversy in 2004 when she revealed that the publicity posters for her film King Arthur had been digitally altered.
7.She is trying to convince magazine editors and advertisers to stop using digitally altered photographs and underweight models.
8.When Obama's birth certificate in Hawaii was digitally scanned for all to see, it was denounced as a forgery.
9.The same digital certificate used for reading encrypted mail can also be used to digitally sign documents.
10.Critics complain that her pictures are so digitally enhanced that they distort reality, but that's the point.