1.In addition, syslog is often used to record e-mail messages delivery, filesystem issues, and even DHCP leases, DNS issues, and NFS problems.
2.Administrators typically prefer a network server to offer DHCP services because these solutions are scalable and relatively easy to manage.
3.The DHCP server does not permanently assign addresses; instead, it "leases" one of a number of available addresses to the computer.
4.DHCP scope uses a beginning IP address and an ending IP address to limit the range of IP addresses that this server can assign .
5.Command you can give the path and name of the file to boot if you did not give an explicit name via your bootp dhcp server.
6.DHCP is a more flexible, backwards-compatible extension of BOOTP, and some of the latest systems can only boot using DHCP.
7.The scheme of the invention can be used for acquiring the complete route information of the DHCP server and the DHCP client.
8.Therefore, putting the above PXE configuration in a file named default works for all computers, regardless of your DHCP configuration.
9.If the DNS server names are retrieved dynamically from DHCP or PPPOE (retrieved from your ISP), do not add name server entries in this file.
10.DHCP server leases a specific IP address to a computer network card for a limited, but renewable, amount of time.