1.dexamphetamine, or a tablet containing it
1.Dex, the proprietor of a simple diner, was a wealth of knowledge, and was able to identify the weapon as a Kamino saberdart.
2.Vernon Ray Davis, who stood in the hardwood trees behind Dex, said, "They didn't have zippers back then. Nothing but bone buttons. "
3.Conclusions High-glucose-fat feeding and DEX together can be used to induce glycometabolism and lipid metabolism abnormality.
4."Maybe they do, " Dex said. "I reckon those wino bastards better stay out of sight or they'll run 'em plumb out of the county. "
5.Dex and Em's inpidual disappointments and triumphs aren't properly developed, and their romantic destiny has a pat certainty to it.
6.Finally, the . dex file and other application resources are zipped up as an APK file that can be installed on an Android device.
7."That's just a bunch of guys playing dress-up, " Dex said.
8."Rolodex" is the commercial name of a common in-dex system much used by busy executives.
9.Dex said you might be in a mood.
10."Do what? " Dex leaned forward, flicking his butt into the cold, dead embers of the campfire.