1.very, or very much
2.in a way that shows strong religious belief or feeling
1.She did not indeed rival Butler in learning; but then no woman was more devoutly venerated than her to the extent of her husband's erudition
2.Virginity is probably never going to be seen as cool, especially as it has been claimed as a "cause" by devoutly religious groups.
3.i lay down flat in the bottom of that wretched skiff , and devoutly recommended my spirit to its maker.
4.I knew he was a devoutly religious man who was angry about what I had done, and he had carefully avoided saying that I should be impeached.
5.And for the wealth management industry , which has much to gain from both trends , this is an accommodation devoutly to be wished .
6.By a sleep to say we end the hear-ache and the thousand natural shocks, that flesh is heir to, it's a consummation devoutly to bi wished.
7.When priest prayed, everyone lowered head, closed eyes, and devoutly prayed for God blessing.
8.He was devoutly religious, insisting that his wife also convert.
9.When he moved to the temple from a devoutly Buddhist family in 1981, Yongxin learned to add kungfu moves to his meditation.
10.It is then, indeed, that I feel devoutly thankful to have been born fond of writing.