1.a goddess in the Hindu religion
1.Devi's husband, aged 72, had also wed his wife's elder sister after 10 years of marriage to his first wife did not result in children.
2.No sprays can be used, not at all. The best thing is to simply daily water Tulasi-devi and keep her clean. Nothing else is required.
3.After a year-long apprenticeship, Krishnamacharya instructed Devi to become a yoga teacher.
4."We thought it was not meant to be. Every passing year there was less and less chance of becoming parents, " Devi added.
5.One of its main designers is Sita Devi, a 30-year-old mother of two with only a third-grade education.
6.Yamaraja found the Lord lying on His serpent bed, Ananta Sesa, while Laksmi-devi massaged His feet.
7.'We focus so much on memory that forgetting has been maligned, ' says Gayatri Devi, a neuropsychiatrist and memory expert in New York City.
8."Times have changed, " Ms. Devi said. "Now nobody marries like this. "
9."A mother knows, " Ms. Devi said, unwilling to discuss the sensitive particularities of this knowledge further.
10.Devi Art sandstone, GRC produced in a production factory in Dongguan headquarters, and in Guangzhou are professional processing plant.