1.It was only a question of time before the desirability of the dollar as the dominant global reserve currency would be questioned.
2.Then it rose sharply, suggesting the desirability, whenever practical, of using blood within the first 14 days after it had been drawn.
3.The American government may talk about the desirability of a strong dollar but it seems to have no intention of doing anything about it.
4.But a century or so ago it was a mark of deviance for an English gentleman to admit the desirability of living anywhere other than England.
5.The utility concept provides a way to describe the consequences of a given event and act in terms of its desirability.
6.The belief in the possibility or desirability of not just a better but a perfect society.
7.the goal itself may be assessed in terms of the desirability of the consequences of pursuing and achieving it.
8.Social usefulness is no longer an aim for him, although he does not deny its desirability.
9.The unique nature of gold and precious metals provides its desirability in this Fed operation.
10.There was also much talk about tax and the desirability of tax reform and an opportunity for repatriation of cash generated overseas.