1.The past tense and past participle of design
1.S. was designed so that you can easily figure out how to get to any city in the country as long as you know how top read a map.
2.A well-designed dashboard will at least make sure you know enough not to be surprised.
3.Like the Internet itself, DNS was designed to function even in the face of severe disruption of parts of its network.
4.This was no accident. Mallory's program was designed to create the very file names most likely to be used by Tripwire.
5.More to the point think of your eyebrows designed to keep dust and rain out of your eyes but very useful in sending signals to other people.
6.It's designed for up to six people to live in, and is powered by an environmentally-friendly combination of solar power and hydrogen tanks.
7.The following table is designed to make it easier for you to determine the unique characteristics of each Informix edition.
8.It's a fabric with its own trademarked name and diagram, squarely designed to appeal to the kind of person I hate, and I own it.
9.Through a four-to-six week workshop process, the children were led through a variety of activities designed to improve each quality.
10.This was designed not so much to shield the peripheral countries from a market run as it was to "bail in" private lenders.