1.You can use Initialize to add a report server instance to a scale-out deployment or to troubleshoot a migration or installation problem.
2.For each deployment file, it is possible to specify a string which will be used to create the name of each deployed resource.
3.The cost of memory leaks is significant and is often associated directly with production down time, or a slipped deployment schedule.
4.Just as in the authoring and deployment steps, the rules architect has certain responsibilities in the maintenance step as well.
5.She estimates that at the time of her deployment, women comprised at least a quarter of missile crews.
6.I wanted someone who could solve any deployment issue we might encounter or would at least know who to call for help if they couldn't.
7.If DOAP is to live up to its promise as an interchange vocabulary for software directories , then it needs some real- world deployment .
8.This may be less efficient than a local deployment but does not require the deployment of any additional components to the target system.
9.The foreign deployment now under way in the south seems to support this, even if it has the air of trepidation about it.
10.A system and its proxy endpoints do not exist as tangible entities in the eventual deployment of the system.