1.a character or space marking the beginning or end of a data element
1.If your match must be a specific length, don't forget to include delimiters for the beginning and end of the desired pattern.
2.Notice that the example updates to show you how the merged attributes will look as you add delimiters, as the bottom of Figure 34 shows.
3.Delimiters cannot be used for keywords, whether or not the keywords are marked as reserved in Analysis Services.
4.The node treats both of these sequences as delimiters irrespective of the platform on which the broker is being run.
5.As you'll see in another example, it is possible to change the Smarty delimiters to avoid this inconvenience.
6.The way around a problem like this is to be as specific as possible about what characters can be matched between your required delimiters.
7.In all the above cases, the name of the resulting menu is name specified, stripped of the substrings between the various delimiters.
8.If inpidual name parts require delimiters, each part of the name should be delimited separately as required.
9.You could also remove the two delimiters that are already provided, but simply adding a new delimiter is the better approach.
10.If it finds an INCLUDE member-name between the delimiters, it copies the member into your program.