1.immoral, depraved, or corrupt behavior, or an instance of this
2.a condition that is worse than normal or worse than before
3.the process of becoming physically, morally, or mentally worse
4.the condition of two or more quantum states that have the same energy
1.immoral, depraved, or corrupt behavior, or an instance of this
2.a condition that is worse than normal or worse than before
3.the process of becoming physically, morally, or mentally worse
4.the condition of two or more quantum states that have the same energy
1.So, if the system is isolated, then the degeneracy of your energy is just a number of waysthat you can flip the positions around.
2.So you can think of this as the degeneracy of the system states that are actually going to exist at a particular temperature.
3.otherwise, it will simply contract until electron degeneracy pressure halts its collapse, thus directly turning into a white dwarf.
4.The sterile soil would at least have been proof against a low-land degeneracy.
5.The results obtained here may provide theoretical basis for the design of a Brayton cycle working under quantum degeneracy conditions.
6.Perturbation Theory III. Transition Probability. Wavepacket. Degeneracy.
7.decadence, decadency, decline, degeneracy, degeneration, loss.
8.So the degeneracy, the little g for the molecular degeneracy, how many molecular states are there of a certain energy.
9.It is really a sad thing to see them sink into such moral degeneracy .
10.So you can write this as the degeneracy of the configuration, times the energy of the configuration.