1.Less deftly handled, the treatment of such a subject could have fallen into a number of traps.
2.He also deftly referred to a "Jewish homeland, " slightly different from Israel's demands that it be considered a Jewish state.
3.It moves deftly between the expanding professional life of its title character and the repercussions it is having on her home life.
4.From the beginning, she had clipped a mouse's ear or prepped a rat for a skin graft as deftly as if she had always worked with animals.
5.Alford marveled at how deftly Jordan navigated his way with Knight.
6.It calls them its "beating heart" and strokes them deftly: when one performs exceptionally, the firm writes to congratulate his wife.
7.Sir Michael might have handled a difficult brief more deftly. But his departure is nonetheless a problem for the BBC.
8.She sums it up deftly: "There's been a lot more violence and crime since crack cocaine came. "
9.It has, for the most part, managed its potential conflicts deftly; and when it has angered clients, there have been rebukes from the top.
10.He listens his fill, nods, and smiles, then the woman deftly wheels his chair through the crowd and out of the mausoleum.