1.to direct criticism, attention, or blame away from yourself toward someone else
2.to make someone change their plans or stop what they are doing
3.if something deflects, or if it is deflected, it starts to move in a different direction, usually because it has hit something
1.By deflecting certain parts of the electromagnetic spectrum, an image can be altered or made to look like it has disappeared.
2.The absorbed heat flux grows in proportion and reaches the surface of smooth-tube deflecting walls with a minimal time delay.
3.Adept at deflecting criticism with humour though also capable of tantrums he sometimes seemed to be engaged in self parody.
4.The Earth is hardly a passive observer, but participates when it finds a hose of magnetic particles pointed at it by deflecting its N.
5.A mechanism for deflecting the fiber fringings is connected with the rotary pressurizing frame and is removed from the bottom roller.
6.Any method of deflecting a person thinking about suicide can buy valuable time that may allow him or her to reconsider.
7.Similarly, Gungan ground troops carry portable frames which generate a protective energy field capable of deflecting blaster fire.
8.Deliver devastating shots to the opposing Dodge Brawlers while defending your team by deflecting shots with your shield.
9.At least a mechanical mechanism for deflecting the fiber fringings is equipped before and after a first jew line.
10.Instead, it decelerates through the flight control software by deflecting control surfaces in the same manner as the Raptor.