1.to direct criticism, attention, or blame away from yourself toward someone else
2.to make someone change their plans or stop what they are doing
3.if something deflects, or if it is deflected, it starts to move in a different direction, usually because it has hit something
1.Over the next 100 million years, the planets swept up some of these planetesimals and deflected the rest into the sun.
2.If the direction of the force is not the same as that of the velocity, the body is deflected sideways and moves in a curved path.
3.And a freely falling object would pass by, let's say, the sun and it would be deflected along the natural curves in the space.
4.Concern for her family deflected her from her work.
5.The side latches have sections adapted to be deflected in an inward direction to un-latch the TPA member from the pre-lock position.
6.The public was to have their resentment over rumored bunkers for the elite deflected by rumors that these bunkers were being blown up.
7.He also deflected questions about whether a goalkeeper was top of his shopping list for the rest of the winter window.
8.The Council or Worlds has ruled that Earth should not be destroyed by an asteroid or any large debris, and these are to be deflected.
9.Police say the minister deflected one bullet by his Bible before he was struck in the chest.
10.That deflected the group's gossip on to the student's academic difficulties and weird behavior ( "He's gotta frighten the little kids" ).