1.She may have been ceremonially clean, but inwardly she was filthy and defiled, and she brought defilement upon the young man as well.
2.You know that the duty of the artist is to see life whole. If he touches pitch and is defiled, then he must endure the defilement.
3.On this account, I shall now learn to practise Wisdom and sever the bond of defilement and attain Emancipation.
4.A person with no moral and spiritual development has no sound and advanced mentality to annihilate these defilement.
5.This ritual prefigured the vicarious execution of Jesus for the blood- guiltiness and defilement of His people.
6.Much of the world's untold suffering has been caused by this defilement being unduly encouraged and made a god of.
7.So this liberation has different forms but the real liberation here means to be free from all defilement that had covered man's mind.
8.In this sutta, sensual desire is personified as Mara. Yet, in real life, Mara is the defilement underlying the tendency to sensual desire.
9.Defilement is the most destructive thing in life. Disadvantage is the best condition for success.
10.With Cleanliness and Defilement on either side of you?