1.A bit defiantly, he said that if he enters a shop and finds the staff does not speak his dialect, "I go to another store. "
2.The bed had not been disturbed, and on the bed lay, outspread, but not defiantly the great-coat and the black ribbon.
3.On his Saturday evening talk show, and everywhere else, he said what he thought abrasively, defiantly, sometimes obscenely.
4.But anyone who sins defiantly, whether native-born or alien, blasphemes the Lord , and that person must be cut off from his people.
5.Why had he fought them, she'd demanded, and Shemsen had answered defiantly that she was not from his village, his baron, or his prince.
6.Ed Balls, his Treasury spokesman and a defiantly unapologetic veteran of the previous government, might not like all that.
7."I'm an honest man, " said the beggar defiantly. "Let us take this matter to the court. "
8.Defiantly off the grid, Ambue Ari has no telephone, no television, no Internet, no air-conditioning, no flush toilets.
9."My hair is too beautiful to hide under a headscarf, " she said defiantly.
10.He looked defiantly around the table , his eyes flat , his face pale .