1.Banking regulators globally have encouraged banks to make their pay deferral periods longer, at least a year or more.
2.I also need you to come in and fill out a deferral application form before you leave for China.
3.At the meeting, Thailand requested a deferral of any proposed management plans until the the border dispute is settled.
4.These can be issued to minimise a tax liability, but could also be used in place of shares as part of a deferral arrangements.
5.Their deferral of karma caused a fall upon earth, and now the karmic return of such a dance is to experience a fall in the Sirian dance.
6.Arafat, as anyone who dealt with him knows well, moved only when compelled, preferring the ambiguity of deferral to the clarity of choice.
7.Also, investing in Treasury bills that mature in the next tax year results in a deferral of the tax until the next year.
8.Blair said Jackson was issued a90- day deferral on his jury service while he completed paperwork notifying the court of his move.
9.Tasklets are a deferral scheme that you can schedule for a registered function to run later.
10.Work is represented by a work_struct structure, which identifies the work to be deferred and the deferral function to use (see Figure 3).