1.in the deep areas of the ocean
1.The deep sea is a highly preserving environment where the water temperature is just a few degrees centigrade and little light can penetrate.
2.Although I used to be a firefighter, I can't get used to putting on the cold, heavy, wet deep-sea per's suit to run the marathon.
3.She had incredibly golden hair, huge deep sea-blue eyes and a fresh raspberry-red mouth.
4.The deep-sea eruption of the West Mata volcano is producing what are known as boninite lavas, believed to be among the hottest on Earth.
5.Deep sea fishing hunting video game over man's mode of description Model is, up to one mode of fishing is, let me tell you!
6.The deep-sea per had scarcely reached the bottom when a message came from the surface which left him in a dilemma.
7.He had come up from deep down in the water as the dark cloud of blood had settled and dispersed in the mile deep sea.
8.Chris Reddy, a marine chemist, regretted that scientists had not been able to get more samples of the deep-sea dispersant-oil mixture.
9.Staff working for the Census of Marine Life said the persity of life in the deep sea was much greater than previously believed.
10.This expedition has brought us the "Jumbo Dumbo" , the largest so far found up to 2 meters long, and one of the biggest deep sea creatures.