1.to change information that was in a code that could not be read or understood into a form that can be read and understood
1.The service decrypts the ticket with its long-term key, recovers the session key, which is in turn used to decrypt the authenticator.
2.Next , the code example encrypts a copy of a byte array, saves it to a file, loads the data back from the file, and then decrypts the data .
3.When receiving private messages, it is always the receiving Queue Manager that decrypts the message body.
4.The ssh client, on receiving the SSHPub from server, decrypts it with its private key and sends the accesskey(AK) back to server.
5.Calling this constructor with the correct password decrypts the private key and saves it to a key container.
6.This procedure decrypts an XML element using the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) algorithm, also known as Rijndael.
7.The server receives the encrypted exchange key and decrypts it with its private key.
8.The receiving application then decrypts the message upon receipt, converting from ciphertext back to plain text.
9.However, the user who requested the page can still view the view state data because SSL decrypts the page to display it in the browser.
10.At the client, WS-Security receives the response, validates the digital signature, and decrypts the message.