1.to succeed in understanding the meaning of a message written in code
2.if a computer decodes information, it changes it into a form that you can understand
3.to change digital electronic signals into a picture and sound on your television
4.to understand the meaning of a word, especially in a foreign language, without being able to encode it use it correctly in a sentence of your own
1.to succeed in understanding the meaning of a message written in code
2.if a computer decodes information, it changes it into a form that you can understand
3.to change digital electronic signals into a picture and sound on your television
4.to understand the meaning of a word, especially in a foreign language, without being able to encode it use it correctly in a sentence of your own
1.In contrast to the universal nature of the DNA code, the histone language and its decoding machinery differ among animals, plants and fungi.
2.The rate of a frame is the bits used to encode it, but the distortion can be evaluated only after the decoding process.
3.The quality metric can be used to evaluate temporal quality, or to control encoding or decoding characteristics to enhance temporal quality.
4.I think you'll be pleasantly surprised at how much easier watching and decoding behavior becomes as you spend more time doing it.
5.The parallel form of the input sequence is decoded by means of a logical decoding circuit.
6.bear resemblance to the Shang oracles. It is believed that the decoding of these earlier forms is only a matter of time.
7.Trailing bytes at the end of the data block are stored in an internal buffer and used in the next decoding operation.
8.So, if you were to read off the bits of information on the CD player without decoding it you would not get music.
9.The experimental results show that this algorithm quickens the decoding process without decreasing the recognition accurate rate.
10.When the environment is rapidly changed, the performance is approaching that of the Maximum Likelihood decoding.