1.Like her husband and father, she was a clever deceiver, so her father did not find the teraphim .
2.For the moment let us leave the Cartesian hypothesis that the psycho-analyst is a deceiver.
3.If a liar and deceiver comes and says, 'I will prophesy for you plenty of wine and beer, ' he would be just the prophet for this people!
4.Around the time of Meph's birth on Azeroth, Kil'Jaeden the Deceiver sat and brooded amongst his followers within the Twisting Nether.
5.You would not encourage such a deceiver? Dismiss her, by all means, at once!
6."Godot" is the big deceiver in lives while people are looking for it all the time.
7.Just as Satan is "a murderer . . . And the father of lies" (John 8: 44), Antiochus was a deceiver and destroyer.
8.cheat, deceiver, fake, faker, fraud, imposter, impostor, pretender, pseud, pseudo, role player, sham, shammer.
9."You call me old witch, do ye, you deceiver! " says she, "when ye ought to ha' been calling me mother-law these last five months! "
10.This process is also revealed in the numerous fabliaux and popular legends in which the robber is robbed, the deceiver deceived, etc.