1.making someone physically or mentally weak
1.The present participle of debilitate
1.I love women, but I had seldom been plagued by the debilitating kind of love other men went on about till it was just nauseating .
2.Tell someone. Bring it out into the light of day. Shame is debilitating. Confront it head on by telling someone what you did.
3.Heart failure is a debilitating condition in which the heart fails to pump an adequate supply of blood throughout the body.
4.In the long run, an overly linked system was as debilitating as a mob of uncoordinated loners .
5.Severe anxiety is often debilitating to performance, but having a few butterflies in your stomach works in your favor.
6.In the near term, Maguire said the research will shed light on some of the most debilitating neurodegenerative diseases of old age.
7.As the injury is so debilitating, many will never recover and a third die within a year.
8.She could never live a full life again after her debilitating illness set in on her. She was totally dependent on others.
9.I decide to adopt a more positive outlook after realizing how much my children still wanted and loved me despite my debilitating injures.
10.The joint pain is often very debilitating, but usually ends within a few days or weeks.