1.One of the most serious events of his reign was the beginning of the debasement of Byzantine coins.
2.the United Kingdom and the culture of the Han culture "no degree of self-debasement, " as a false sense of inferiority , And mean another.
3.It is at this point that the special connection between politics and the debasement of language becomes clear.
4.Nietzsche argues that Christian guilt operates nominative expectations that they have been stolen by his partion for self debasement.
5.Most , if not all , of the higher price of oil can be explained by the expansion of the money supply or the debasement of the dollar .
6.Thus, our creditors' nervousness about the eventual debasement of the U. S. dollar has some increasing validity.
7.If current policies are continued, there is a real threat of a debasement of the currency.
8.The main trend of the loess in Changchun tableland is: gradual debasement from the Northeast to the southwest.
9.So even without US debasement of currency, the amount of buying of chinese middle class would send PMs through the roof. WOW. . .
10.Our products are always good as the samples we send , I can promise there will be not debasement of quality.