1.The only people to dish it out to you during social dealings are devotees.
2.I was always oppressed with a sense of my own stupidity in my dealings with Sherlock Holmes.
3.I had suspected that he was being unfaithful and lying to me about his online dealings. I discovered that it was all indeed true.
4.As you think of your own business dealings, perhaps these suggestions could prove fruitful if you incorporate them into your program.
5.In all his dealings with the peasants, he never experienced the slightest hesitation.
6.COSATU has asked governments in the region to refuse to have dealings with him, except to work towards a fair election.
7.For all that, China's dealings with Pakistan have always been conducted with one eye on India.
8.However strange or surprising this contact might seem to you as we have not met personally or had any dealings with you in the past.
9.So far IT has been used to automate and optimise processes within firms and other organisations as well as the dealings between them.
10.And he said unto them, Why do ye such things? for I hear of your evil dealings by all this people.