1.DCOM authenticates the credentials of the client when the server receives the request at the beginning of each remote procedure call .
2.The name of the DCOM server on which the component should be loaded and run.
3.The DCOM sample demonstrates how to call a COM object implemented in a Windows service from multiple clients running on different computers.
4.Format for payload parameter values: In DCOM, the payload is written in a format known as Network Data Representation (DR).
5.When set to "Leave running when idle, " DCOM leaves the dllhost. exe process running, retaining the cache and pools.
6.If this ID or its password are changed, DCOM will not run and MQ services will not be able to start up.
7.Unfortunately, IORs do not correlate to OBJREFs, which results in an interoperability problem between CORBA and DCOM applications.
8.The "DCOM Disabled" statistic is a count of the target computers that were marked with the status message "DCOM is disabled on this host. "
9.In fact, the general practice is widely advocated for any distributed technology, including CORBA, EJB, and DCOM.
10.DCOM verifies that none of the data transferred between the client and the server has been modified.