1.a great Japanese feudal lord who was a vassal of the emperor
1.war, daimyo tended to hold small But consolidated domains in which all the land Belonged to themselves or their vassals.
2.After the Meiji Restoration, the daimyo were converted into a pensioned nobility residing in Tokyo.
3.Daimyo contains the city's two best bars, cocktail specialty places that take advantage of the Japanese talent for precision and perfection.
4.Unlike the cousin and daimyo titles who are automatically passed on to your heir, the clan leader title is an elective title.
5.Afterwards, as the Daimyo's last day passed, he held the child against his heart in order to savor their last moments together.
6.As the boy's condition grew worse, the Priestesses of Shalassa told the Daimyo his son would not survive the night.
7.Samurai could also be ordered by their daimyo (feudal lords) to commit seppuku.
8.Meanwhile Japanese peasants no longer paid dues to their daimyo; they paid taxes to the imperial government.
9.Becoming the vassal of the Daimyo Hiroshi is a definite improvement, but it is not enough.
10.This began a process that created more autonomous lords called Daimyo who began acting independently from the shogun.